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Albanische Investoren erhalten nun 5 Jahre Steuerfreiheit

Do, 23. Feb 2006, 14:48

Das ist doch einmal eine echte Alternative, um Arbeits Plätze in Albanien zu schaffen.

Immigrants excluded from taxes for five years
All Albanian immigrants that are going to invest in Albania will be excluded from taxes system three to five years.That was the yesterday’s declaration of Prime Minister Sali Berisha during the meeting of government. Also, Berisha informed that Ministry of Finances is preparing the apposite legal framework to encouraging investments from Albanian immigrants in our country. This legal framework, according to head of government, foresees the exclusion from taxes of Albanian immigrants’ businesses for a three to five-year period of time. According to Prime Minister Berisha, in case a to the point legal framework of collaboration and facilities will be drawn up, the Albanian immigration and diaspora could transform into one of the most powerful instruments of the country’s development. Referring to this initiative, the head of government qualified this mass as indispensable and moral obligation towards the immigrants, who want to relocate their work to Albania, as, according to him, their contribution to the GDP is about one billion euros. “Excluding them from taxes for three to five years, we give them the opportunity to set up family businesses, employing and enabling them to get rich in Albania. They have been working abroad for fifteen years, a part of them 50 years and some others even more. It is important to provide every possible facility to them, enabling them to invest their savings in Albania,” Berisha said. Bring to attention the fact that, in Northern Italy, Albanian immigrants have established their chamber of commerce, where small, medium and large-scale businessmen have enrolled in this chamber (5000 only in North), as well as in Greece, USA, Germany. Prime Minister Berisha stressed, “it is our major obligation to be able engage, to mobilize this enormous potential to invest in the country, utilizing a duty free period of time for all immigrants.” He called Ministers Bode, Ruli and Basha to work on this matter. According to him, Ministries of Finances and Economy should establish a close collaboration with banks, in order to facilitate bank transfers. ... 8516&lang=
Beleidigungen sind die Argumente jener, die über keine Argumente verfügen.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Schweizer Philosoph, 1712-1778

Gruss lupo

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Mo, 27. Feb 2006, 0:03

das ist eine alternative zur beschäftigung von arbeitslosen,nur sehe ich einige probleme in der bürokratischen umsetzung dieses vorhabens...aber unmöglich ist es nicht...

Beiträge: 11
Registriert: Di, 07. Nov 2006, 16:21

Di, 14. Nov 2006, 17:33


der Link funktioniert leider nicht mehr.

Und auf einer relativ seriösen Seite
(DAW - Deutsch-Albanisches-Wirtschaftsportal) finde ich, dass unternehmen
mit einem Umsatz von mehr als 8 Mio. LEK auf jeden Fall steuerpflichtig sind.
Und zwar mit z.B.: 25% Körperschaftssteuer




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