Opfer der hohen Strom Preise, die Arbeiter der bankrotten Firma KURUM (Türkischer Investor)
Durch den Bankrott von Kurum, den Stahlwerken in Elbasan, demontrieren jetzt die entlassenen Arbeiter.
Eine dramatische Situation, denn es gibt keine Arbeit. Grund waren die zu hohen Strom Preise, welche den einen der grössten Albanischen Arbeitgeber in den Bankrott trieben.
KURUM workers to go on hunger strike
Elbasan- The workers of Steel Factory under the administration of Turkish Company KURUM co, that have been sacked due to factory’s closure, are in protest since three days.As they declared in the first day of the protest, the workers supported by the union request the company officials to respect the work contract that was signed by both parties until the year 2007. Since February 1, they have not received the money promised and foreseen in this contract. This tense situation between the workers and officials of Turkish Company KURUM is degenerating into a protest that is about to take larger dimensions. The union officials, in behalf of about 800 workers have declared that they will soon go in hunger strike if the Turkish company does not respond to their demands. On the other hand, the unionists keep appealing to the government for support, as the company is infringing the law defined in the contract therefore the Turkish company is obliged to pay all liabilities. Many of the workers relied only on this job to keep their families alive. The damages that Turkish company has caused to these workers are not just economically, but also in other directions even more dangerous for their life from the lack of hygienic conditions and security measures, to the huge environmental pollution. However, the next step that workers are expecting to be taking is the hunger strike. KURUM Company closed the factory after disagreements with Albanian Government over some initiatives related to relief of imported steel from taxes, as well as to the high price of electric power.
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Beleidigungen sind die Argumente jener, die über keine Argumente verfügen.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Schweizer Philosoph, 1712-1778
Gruss lupo