Këshilli Inisiator Shqiptar ka formuluar një peticion, nëpërmjet të cilit dënohet veprimtaria e papërgjegjshme dhe johumane e prof. Thomas Fleiner*, i cili është zgjedhur këshilltar kryesor i palës serbe gjatë bisedimeve për statusin e Kosovës.
Thërrasim shqiptarët anembanë që ta mbështesin këtë reagim tonin, duke e nënshkruar peticionin, dhe duke e shpërndarë sa më shumë që është e mundur.
Ky peticion, pasiqë të mbledhim sa më shumë nënshkrime, do t'i dërgohet Thomas Fleiner-it, familjës dhe kolegëve të tij, me qëllim për t'ia vrarë ndërgjegjën dhe atyre që e rrethojnë, edhe t'ia bëjmë të ditur se çdo përpjekje e tij për ta ndihmuar palën serbe është çnjerëzore, e padrejtë dhe e pandërgjegjshme.
Zoti qoftë me ne!
Kryesia e Këshillit Inisiator Shqiptar
* * *
Mund ta nënshkruani këtë peticion duke hyrë në këtë faqe: - Pastaj, duke shtypur mbi fjalën:
Sign the Petition, shënoni informacionet e kërkuara dhe nëse doni edhe ato të jodomosdoshme.
*** Ju lutemi, shenoni emrat dhe mbiemrat e saktë, poashtu e-mailat, dhe nëse lini ndonjë porosi për këtë Thomas Fleiner, le të jetë sa me e dinjitetshme dhe pa fyerje.***
1. Prof. Nezir Myrta, USA – President of Albanian Initiating Council
2. Raif Emini-Canada - Vice President of Albanian Initiating Council
3. Admirim Haliti - Tetovë, FYROM
4. Bekim Qyra - Strugë, FYROM
5. Petrit Kola - Tiranë, Albania
6. Ilir Rrustemi - Kaçanik, Kosova
7. Majlinda Krasniqi - Austria
8. Besim Paçarrizi - Prizren, Kosova
9. Dardan Lekë Dreni, Francë
10. Lulëzim Ismaili - Canada
11. Albert Skenderaj, USA
February, 19. 2006,
Open Petition addressed to: Prof. Thomas Fleiner, Switzerland - the Counsel of Serbs at Negotiations for Final Status of Kosova (20. Feb. 2006) - Wien.
Hello! Mr. Thomas Fleiner!
It is very nice to meet you, a personality in the high step of the
Justice, Jurisprudence and medias in Switzerland - but I do not feel good,
to meet you there, in the side of the enemies of the Albanian People. We know
that someone must be, and on the side of Serbian negotiations group, at
this time of Negotiations, but we are so sorry that you have decided to
be on the side of barbarians, criminals, known in Kosova, in Serbia, in
Montenegro, in Macedonia, during centuries, over Albanian territories - to
the Kosova War 1998-99, for genocide and apartheid, massacres and ethnics
cleansing over a million Albanian people on their Homeland -
descendants of classical Dardanians. Do You know that Serbia occupied over
5.000 quadrate km, of Albanian lands, out of today's Albanian
See short History, Mr. Fleiner: Considering the geographical spread of the
Dardanians before the Roman invasions, Kosova represents the core Dardanian
territory, and can offer answers to a number of questions concerning the
prehistoric and classical Dardanians. The question of links between bronze
and Iron age cultures is especially interesting. The question of ties
between the Dardanians of the Balkans and those of Asia is also involved
herë. The question of connections with the Hellenic world at the dawn of
classical antiquity is a separate one, as is the study of the culture of the
period between the fourth and first centuries B.C.
The absence of written sources makes archaeological research all the more
important. In Kosova, archaeological research has so far concentrated
mainly on the excavation of Neolithic, Iron age, and some classical and
mediaeval sites. Few Bronze age sites have been excavated, and all of them
are of an Illyrian character. Vertical and horizontal stratographies
investigating the continuity between earlier cultures and Dardanian Iron-age
culture proper have not been carried out.
The Iron age has been the most intensively researched period in Kosova.
Research has shown that a culture with distinct features that can without
doubt be called Dardanian, existed in the eighth century B.C., in the
territories that written sources later call them Dardania. Despite its
individual characteristics, Dardanian culture belongs clearly to the
community - the predecessors of the today's Albanians.
Its similarities to the Bronze age cultures of Anamorava and the cultures
of Paracin and Mediana in the northeast, despite isolated finds in Kosova,
do not in any way suffice to permit Dardanian culture to be seen as
anything but Illyrian, especially in the absence of proper research of the
bronze age in Kosova.
It must be born in mind that this question concerns the shapes of
utensils, such as cone shaped pots with brims folded inwards, that are
widespread over a much wider area. The real relationship between the culture
of Bernica e Poshtme (Gornja Strazava) and Dardanian culture has still not
been established.
A few characteristics, such as the similarity of the urn of Bernica e
Poshtme with that of the tumulus of Shiroka and the urn of Bellaqevc (the
latter of a similar type to the urns of Lushte and Llapotinc) seem
insufficient to assert a continuity between the Bernica cultural group and
Dardanian culture. Even if such a continuity is demonstrated, the outward
similarities of the tumuli of Kukes, Mat, and Gllasinac, which show a
continuous development from the bronze age onwards, do not permit any
separation of Dardanian and Illyrian territories.
Mr. Fleiner, You must know, that Kosova is an Albanian Land, it was and is
Albanian Country divided without any rights and historical rights, from
one State of Albanian nation, the same origin of blood and language, at the
Secret Conference of Ambasadors held in London in 1913. Kosova is the
Albanian heart and spirit. Today is more as 90% of Albanian population, as
inhabitants, with original Albanian routs. Kosova is the only a part of
Dardania, where today in Dardania lives all Serbia, where all Serbian
cities are Albanian names and etymology, Albanian land, Albanian graves and
Albanian culture from the Antiquity!
Just the toponomastics tell us the real truth: Belgrade (Citibardhi, of
Bardhill, from the years 394 B.C.), Nish (Naissa, Naissus), Negotin
(Negotini), Kurshumlia (Gurshumi), Krushevac (Dardha), Pozarevac (Zharra),
Lescovac (Leskofci), Kopaonik (Kreshtabardha), Morava Riever (Marga) etc.
All Serbia, today is living in the blood over Albanian territory!
Mr. Fleiner, Kosova is a part of Albania, divided without any
historical, political, and Human Rights and after WW2 (1945). Maybe you
have read the book of Malcolm ''The Short History of Kosovo'', and
there you have historical facts, about Albanian Kosova - Albanian Christian
Churches – converted to Serbian Orthodox Churches all over Kosova. Those are
historical facts!
Today You have decided to be a protector of the Serbian negotiator group,
between Serbians and Albanians, in Vienna, in negotiations between Belgrade
Prishtina - that will begin at the end of February 2006. This is your desire
and your interest with past of your past familiar connections with Mr.
Koshtunica... we know as well, why you are in that position - this is your
desire, and your interest - but you must know the Real History of the
Somebody, today must be and on the side of Serbian negotiating group, but
again I say: we are so sorry, that you are in that position . time will
tell the truth and for your personality! Kosova is Albanian and will be
Albanian Country, New Albanian State, with all rights for any people, who
lives in Kosova. Don't forget, please: You are in the wrong position.
Anyway, this is your decision and your character of personality!
But don't forget! Everything what have to do with human rights, civil
and political rights, at negotiations in political relation with Serbians
in Kosova, about 5%, same have to do and with Albanians under Serbia (South
Serbia) Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanovc, with Albanian people and
territories - if you want to be a real consultant and protector of Kosova
Serbians - in the 20. of February, 2006, in Vienna!
If you think by decentralization, about any Rights of a Serbian
Autonomy in Kosova - in the same way think and for the same of one Albanian
Autonomy - of Eastern Kosova, that today is under Serbia! Think deeply about
the still missing persons during the War (1998-99). Thousands of Albanians,
about 20.000 civilians killed and terrorized by Serbian military forces .
Think about today's missing of over 3.000 Kosova Albanian civilians, of all
ages, from children to grandfathers, boys and girls, wives and husbands -
they are not founded till today yet! Think deep, how many Albanians are
today in the Serbian prisons, as political prisoners, many teachers,
professors, lawyers, writers, to scientists...and nobody gives a üüüüüüüüüü about
them! How many
Albanians are today, in massive graves in Serbia! - Albanian massive
graves, will never leave in peace the future of Serbia!
Who thinks, that we Albanians, can forget our brothers and sisters,
fathers and grandfathers under Serbian state terror?!
Think deep what You are doing, Mr. Fleiner! Is something more important for
you, as a personal financial interest! You protect real Serbian barbarians!
I think deep that you are called to tell the truth, and only the real truth
in those negotiations - The Truth of Justice and The Truth of The God, if
you really trust in the historical reality, so much You have knowledge!
Be scared from the unjust decisions!
We Albanians believe in real justice of this world, that one day have to
come back our rights, for real freedom: Independence of Kosova, and for all
Albanian People, in Our Territories in Balkans!
we trust in European Council OSBE, in USA to UNO and Security Council,
that one day the right to live in freedom, belongs also to the Albanians!
Enough is enough under Serbian slavery! Trustfully, soon as possible -
nation will be in real Freedom, together with all Balkans and European
Nations! Enough is enough under slavery! Real freedom must be also for the
Is something more terrible as Injustice - that is Justice without reality!
Prof. Nezir Myrta,
President of Albanian Initiating Council
1. Nezir Myrta
2. Raif Emini
3. Admirim Haliti
4. Bekim Qyra
5. Petrit Kola
6. Ilir Rrustemi
7. Majlinda Krasniqi
8. Dardan lekë Dreni
9. Besim Paçarrizi
10. Lulëzim Ismaili
11. Albert Skenderaj
vijojne nënshkrimet tjera
ku nga dje janë afër 200
*Shënim: Thomas Fleiner është zgjedhur këshilltari kryesor i serbëve gjatë bisedimeve për statusin final të Kosovës. Thomas Fleiner është nga Fribourgu i Zvicrrës, ekspert për çështje federale. Gruaja e tij ka qenë një mike e vjetër shkolle e Koshtunicës. Me anë të kësaj letre në formë peticioni, do t'ia bëjmë të ditur Prof. Thomas Fleiner se përgjegjësia që ka marr mbi vete është e pandërgjegjshme, johumane dhe jo e drejtë. I bëjmë thirrje shqiptarëve anembanë, që ta mbështesin këtë letër denjësishtë duke e nënshkruar peticionin! Njëashtu, mund ta mbështesni këtë iniciativë duke i dërguar letra personalishtë Thomas Fleiner-it në adresën e tij elektronike: