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Di, 04. Mär 2008, 12:23

Motion Network schliesst Partnerschaftsvertrag mit Komuna ab ... 256250.asp
Begegne dem Menschen mit gutem Charakter.

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Di, 04. Mär 2008, 17:28

Clotaire hat geschrieben:Motion Network schliesst Partnerschaftsvertrag mit Komuna ab ... 256250.asp
was hat diese nachricht direkt mit der alb.wirtschaft zu tun?

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Di, 04. Mär 2008, 20:14

Sorry, wollte eigentlich den Artikel hier posten. ... 229280.asp
Hab aber grade bemerkt, dass Sandy diesen auch schon gepostet hat!
Begegne dem Menschen mit gutem Charakter.

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Fr, 28. Mär 2008, 16:11

Albania to privatise three state-owned companies this year


Albania's government is planning by the end of the year to privatise three of the most important state-owned companies -- the last major publicly-owned assets.

By Jonilda Koci for Southeast European Times in Tirana – 28/01/08

Prime Minister Sali Berisha announced at a cabinet meeting in January that the government intends to privatise three important state-owned companies in the energy, oil and insurance sectors by the end of 2008.

"This year will be marked by a wave of privatisation, because we see ourselves as a liberal government that believes in free enterprise," Berisha told the ministers. His goal is to privatise KESH, the distribution branch of Albania's power utility; ARMO, the country's sole oil refinery; and INSIG, the only state-owned insurance company.

The Ministry of Trade, Economy and Energy announced on February 15th the open international tender for privatisation of 85% of shares of ARMO. Bids will be assessed on May 21st.

ARMO has generated interest from at least 20 companies in a sale that could raise 84.7m euros. The American company Patton Boggs will act as legal adviser to the Albanian government.

Commenting on the sale, Berisha said, "One of the main criteria will require the contractor to make an investment that will help develop this key sector."

The government has also approved the privatisation of its power industry after two years of energy supply problems. Intermittent power cuts -- including in Tirana -- could take their toll on economic growth, which has averaged 6%, but may slip if the crisis is not resolved.

KESH is the only company furnishing the country with energy, and it has been criticised because of successive power crises. In an effort to ease them, KESH has received government subsidies to ensure it has the necessary financing to import energy.

To facilitate the privatisation, KESH has been divided into three smaller companies -- dealing with the distribution, production and transmitting of energy. The divestment will be overseen by the World Bank, which will help Albania auction KESH's aging distribution lines.

INSIG, meanwhile, has been drastically losing its share of the market during the last decade due to increased competition. In July 2003, the government sold 40% of INSIG shares to the international institutions IFC and EBRD. Currently, the company is being prepared for full privatisation.

The privatisation effort is being structured with the assistance of the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank, and the USAID.
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Fr, 28. Mär 2008, 16:15

Albania to Have New Biometric Passports

Wednesday March 26, 12:11 pm ET
French Company to Produce Biometric Passports for Albania

TIRANA, Albania (AP) -- Interior Minister Bujar Nishani says the government has chosen a French company to produce new biometric passports and identity cards for Albania.
Nishani says Paris-based Sagem Securite will start producing ID cards and new passports within the next six months.

The company was chosen from among seven companies bidding in an international tender.

No new ID cards have been produced for Albanians since the fall of communism in 1990 because of problems with the country's civil registry.

Biometric passports are part of Albanian efforts to adopt standards of the international community and the European Union, which it hopes to join eventually.
Quelle: ... 8&Itemid=2

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Fr, 28. Mär 2008, 16:23

Bankers Petroleum 3-year plan for Albania development

Bankers Petroleum Ltd.(TSX:BNK) is formulating a plan to spin off its U.S. business while announcing a three-year program including capital investment of $370 million in Albania.

The spending ``will be primarily funded from existing working capital and future cash flow,' Bankers said Tuesday, with a production target of 20,000 barrels per day by the end of 2010.

``With recent success in Oklahoma, the company determined that the timing is right for Bankers U.S. to be restructured into a separate entity to proceed with its own growth plans in a manner that will maximize value and preserve future upside to all Bankers' existing shareholders,' Calgary-based Bankers said in a release.

``Recognizing the size of Patos Marinza and Kucova heavy oilfields in Albania, Bankers' board of directors decided in its three-year plan to focus its resources on maximizing the potential of these very important assets.'

The company said it will mull its options for the U.S assets over the next few weeks.

Bankers said it expects to invest about $370 million in the Albanian properties. It holds full rights to the Patos-Marinza heavy oilfield and a 50 per cent in the Kucova oilfield in Albania and a 50 per cent interest in the Tishomingo gas field in Oklahoma as well as interests in three other areas in the northern and central regions of the United States.

On the TSX, Bankers shares were trading down three cents, at $1.34.

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Fr, 28. Mär 2008, 16:29

Foreign direct investments on the rise in Albania

By Manjola Hala for Southeast European Times in Tirana – 20/03/08

With fiscal reforms under way, progress in the fight against corruption, low inflation rates and a negative trade balance, Albania is attracting more foreign direct investments (FDIs) with high profitability and low labour costs.
Because of the ability of FDIs to generate jobs and contribute to long-term economic development, the government has made attracting them a priority.
Experts expect to see investments mainly in the energy sector this year, as well as the natural resources and tourism sectors. Hydro and thermal power plant construction, along with the privatisation of the state-run electricity distribution division and oil and insurance companies, offer opportunities to foreign companies looking to invest in Albania.

A foreign investment incentive programme launched by the government is already yielding results. Under the "Albania 1 euro" initiative -- which aims to attract investors by offering overseas firms entry to the Albanian market for 1 euro -- the Greek consortium Atermon SA - Roder & Blackwell Consulting won the tender to rehabilitate a six-unit thermal power station.
Although the consortium paid 1 euro to enter the market, it will invest at least 100m euros in the power station, which was built in 1966 by the Chinese and restructured in the 1980s with Czech technology.

Privatisation of state-run entities is also being used to lure investors. Austrian, Czech and Italian companies have expressed interest in buying the distribution division of the state-owned electricity company, KESH. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy says the division will become the property of a large foreign energy company this year.
Additionally, the privatisation of the state-owned oil company, ARMO, has generated interest from at least 20 companies. The sale could raise 84.7m euros.
The state insurance company, INSIG, is also planned for privatisation, while the three largest private insurance companies in Albania were purchased partially or entirely by international insurance groups.
Albania's natural resources are also attracting investors. At the end of January, the Austrian power company EVN won the bid for a contract aimed at exploiting the hydropower potential of the Devoll River with an annual production of 985,400 mWh.
Austrian and Canadian consulting companies are studying exploration of mineral-rich areas in Albania following increased exports of chromium, according to government sources.

With a developing infrastructure, government promotion, and an increase in the number of tourists -- due in part to the rise in tourism in neighbouring Adriatic countries, Albanian tourism is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign companies. For example, a 500m-euro railway system investment planned by China Railroad Construction Corporation is expected to boost travel opportunities.
Although low by regional standards -- attracting only 195m euros as of October 2007 -- investments in Albania have been increasing in recent years. The Economist Conferences analyst Richard Eames has told journalists that if the government significantly improves the climate, investments would come. It would appear the government is heeding that advice.
Quelle: Southeast European Times

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Fr, 28. Mär 2008, 16:34

Albania: “The Next Big Thing” in Real Estate

5 February 2008 | A combination of political, economic, legal, cultural and geographic factors make Albania “the next big thing” when it comes to international real estate investment, a British real estate investment company announced.

It its report, the company drew an extremely favourable picture of the future of real estate investment in the country, which is currently Europe’s least developed and, despite positive developments, still suffers from a poor to non-existent infrastructure, including its road and electricity networks.

Albania follows in the steps of other destinations on the Balkans that experienced big property investment booms, such as Montenegro and Bulgaria. “Recently Albania has put itself firmly on the map, both as an increasingly popular tourism destination, and an emerging market on the international property investment scene,” according to a press release by David Stanley Redfern Ltd, a British overseas property investment company.

Political problems prevented the issuing of construction permits for a period of two years were only resolved at the end of last year. The effect of this was two-fold: on the one hand, it caused stagnation on the property market, but on the other it resulted in a rapid property price increase, creating a kind of a jackpot effect that can currently be observed.

Beside this development, a number of other factors contributed to the popularisation of Albania as a new property investment destination. Some of them are political: Albania is set to join NATO later this year and the EU in 2014, as a result of “huge advances in democracy.”

Economically, Albania has experienced a 6 per cent GDP growth which is likely to accelerate, while at the same time retaining relatively low living costs.

Foreign investment in Albanian real estate is also facilitated by the country’s legal framework. The few restrictions on foreign ownership that are in place make it relatively easy for international buyers: they can make a commercial investment if its value exceeds three times the cost of the land, and though agricultural land may not be purchased it can be leased for 99 years.

International buyers can also benefit from the low transaction costs and Albania’s tax advantages: there is no capital gains tax, no withholding tax, no inheritance tax, no Value Added Tax on property purchases, no state or wealth taxes and no transfer tax. Capital appreciation can reach up to 30 per cent, according to the company, depending on the investment.

Lastly, the cultural and geographical factors that serve to draw foreign investment into many Balkan destinations also apply to Albania. The publication mentioned the country’s largely undiscovered history and its climate as major advantages. The low cost of living means that one can “enjoy the temperatures and sunshine of Greece for a fraction of the cost.”

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Mi, 02. Apr 2008, 17:28

ein projekt über die sanierung des wassernetzes in tirana:
Tirana e madhe, 100 milione USD per kanalizimet

E Merkure, 02 Prill 2008

Projektet per Tiranen e madhe kane hyre ne proces. Ministria e Financave dhe Ministria e Puneve Publike filluan dje negociatat me Banken Japoneze per Zhvillim Nderkombetar per financimin e projektit te kanalizimeve per Tiranen dhe rrethinat. Vlera e projektit parashikohet 100 milione dollare dhe perfshin ndertimin e rrjetit te kanalizimeve per Tiranen e madhe dhe qe do te perfundoje me ndertimin e nje impianti per perpunimin e ujerave te zeza. Sipas zv/ministrit te Financave, Sherefedin Shehu, negociatat jane drejt perfundimit. "Termat e kredise jane teper te favorshme. Eshte kredi e bute me 0,6% interes per 40 vjet dhe me 10 vjet periudhe mosshlyerje. Shehu shpreh besimin qe marreveshja do te nenshkruhet se shpejti per te bere te mundur fillimin e zbatimit te projektit brenda 3-4 muajve te ardhshem. Zv/ministri tha se, me perfundimin e realizimit, objekti do t'i transferohet Bashkise se Tiranes ne kuader te decentralizimit.

Kufijte e qytetit te Tiranes do te shtrihen ne nje hapesire prej 400 kilometer katrore, ne te cilen perfshihen edhe 5 zonat informale, te cilat presin te legalizohen. Prej tre vjetesh ka perfunduar hartimi i Planit Strategjik per Tiranen e Madhe, plan i cili eshte nje studim i detajuar per menyren e zhvillimit te metropolit shqiptar ne nje hapesire prej 400 kilometer katrore me nje vlere fillestare prej 340 milione USD, ku mendohet qe qeveria te financoje 50 per qind te tyre. Studimi i kesaj hapesire perfshin pjese te te gjitha juridiksioneve administrative te qeverisjes vendore si Bashkia Tirane, Kamza, Vora, Komuna e Farkes, Vaqari, Kashari, Berxulla, Zall-Herri, Paskuqani, Preza dhe Dajti. Plani strategjik per Tiranen e madhe eshte hartuar ne vitin 2003 dhe do kaloje ne tri faza. Faza e pare ka nisur nga viti 2002 dhe do te vazhdoje deri ne vitin 2007 dhe do te perqendrohet ne korridorin midis Autostrades dhe Lumit te Tiranes, Koder Kamez, pjesa lindore e Yzberishtit, me kuadratin veriperendimor te qendres se Tiranes. Faza e dyte do te vazhdoje ne vitet 2008-20012 do te perqendrohet ne Kamez, Paskuqan dhe Sauk. Ndersa faza e trete qe do te vazhdoje nga viti 2013 deri ne 2017, synon zonat lindore te Bashkise se Tiranes dhe zgjerimin e zones se Yzberishtit. Urbanizimi per 15 vitet e ardhshme do te kufizohet gjeresisht ne zonen midis dy unazave, rruga e unazes se qytetit perreth Tiranes dhe rruga kryesore orbitale, e cila perfshin Paskuqanin, Kamzen, Berxullen dhe Yzberishtin. Duke rrethuar zonen e urbanizimit qe eshte nje vije e gjelber, ku do te lejohen vetem perdorimet me shkalle te ulet. Lartesia e ndertesave do te jete e kufizuar ne pjesen me te madhe te qendres se qytetit te Tiranes, ne menyre qe te ruaje cilesi te larte dhe te shmange rrjetin infrastrukturor dhe sistemin rrugor te renduar.

Infrastruktura dhe sherbimi urban:

Ne sektorin e furnizimit me uje eshte propozuar te ndertohen linja kyce dhe cisterna te medha ne menyre qe te perballoje zona te ardhshme zhvillimi.

Ne sektorin e kanalizimit dhe tubacioneve te ujerave te zeza propozohen te ndertohen kolektore te rinj pergjate Lanes dhe lumenjve te Tiranes.

Programi i investimit perfshin ndertimin e dy mjediseve sanitare te reja, njeri ne jugperendim dhe tjetri ne veri te zones se urbanizuar.

Investimet per furnizimin e energjise elektrike perfshijne ndertimin e nje rrjeti me nenstacione dhe linja ushqyese mbi bazat e ndarjes se zonave.
quelle:"koha jone"

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So, 13. Apr 2008, 12:32

Investitionen von Ausländern in Immobilien werden immer mehr zu Thema: ... 73499.html

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Di, 15. Apr 2008, 0:41

es sollen wohl die 100-Lek- und 200-Lek-Noten abgeschafft werden und durch Münzen ersetzt werden: AENews

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Inflation höher

So, 11. Mai 2008, 10:56

Inflation hat sich verdoppelt innerhalb eines Jahres. Brot wurde innerhalb eines Jahres um die Hälfte teurer. :cry:

Albania Inflation Up in April

09 May 2008 Tirana Albania's April inflation rate was 4.4 per cent, up by more than 2.5 per cent compared to the same period last year, the Albanian Institute of Statistics announced on Thursday.

The figure was released at a time when rising living costs have been a subject of heated debate in parliament and elsewhere.

The opposition has called on the government to impose market controls in order to ease the impact of the global rise in wheat prices on the poorest segment of Albanian society.

The government has refused to do this, arguing that inflationary pressure can be dealt with by indexing the minimum wage and pensions.

Albania is the second poorest country in Europe. According to UN statistics, more that 15 per cent of Albanians live under the poverty threshold of $2 per day. The World Bank and the IMF have warned that the rise in world food prices could have a severe impact on the country's most vulnerable citizens.

In the last twelve months the price of bread has increased by more than 50 per cent.

A recent EU report on candidate countries argues that the global rise in food prices will have an adverse effect on Albania's overall economic growth.

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So, 11. Mai 2008, 12:59

2 VIP-a shqiptarë në majat e biznesit shqiptar

Datë: May 01, 2007
Nga Genc Kondi

Në 10 super-VIP-at, ose tatimpaguesit më të fuqishëm në vend, vetëm dy prej tyre janë krejtësisht shqiptare: “Taçi Oil” dhe “Marketing Distribution”

TIRANE-Kompanitë e huaja, që janë të pranishme në ekonominë shqiptare nuk janë të shumta në numër. Por prej shumë vitesh tashmë, ato janë “ankoruar” fuqishëm në majat e biznesit të vendit. Në 10 super-VIP-at, ose tatimpaguesit më të fuqishëm në vend, vetëm dy prej tyre janë krejtësisht shqiptare: “Taçi Oil” dhe “Marketing Distribution”. Ndërkohë, dy kryesueset, pronare të telefonisë celulare në vend janë greke. Realizojnë pak a shumë, të njëjtën shifër xhiroje vjetore, përkatësisht 24,8 miliardë lekë të reja AMC-ja, dhe 23,6 miliardë lekë Vodafoni. Që do të thotë se në total, ato realizojnë një volum të deklaruar prej rreth 400 milionë eurosh në vit. Me një llogaritje të thjeshtë, del se shqiptarët shpenzojnë rreth 1,1 milionë euro çdo 24-orësh për të folur në celular.
Ndër firmat e ndërtimit, vetëm “Bechteli” renditet në vend të tretë, por asnjë tjetër nuk e pason në “Olimp”, kuptueshëm, në rast se mbahet parasysh shifra e Buxhetit të Shtetit që po disbursohet aktualisht në favor të kësaj firme, që ndërton segmentin Rrëshen-Kalimash.
Janë katër kompanitë e naftës në këtë 10-she, por ato i kryeson një shqiptare, ndërkohë që pozicionohet mjaft mirë prodhuesja e hekurit e çelikut, “Kurum”.

Viti 2006

“Vodafone Albania” kishte arritur 22 miliardë lekë xhiro gjatë vitit 2006. Krahasuar me një vit më parë, kjo përbënte një rritje prej 2.3 miliardë lekësh. Për 3 vjet rresht kompania kishte arritur të realizonte një nivel më të lartë biznesi se rivalja e saj, AMC. Megjithatë, edhe kompania tjetër celulare ishte e dyta në klasifikim. Albanian Mobile Communication ka realizuar 21.5 miliardë lekë më 2006. Ndërkohë, më 2005 xhiroja e saj ka qenë 18.3 miliardë lekë. Menjëherë pas këtyre radhitej kompania e tregtimit të artikujve të ndryshëm, “Marketing Distribution”, ku vlerën më të madhe të xhiros e përbëjnë cigaret.
Kjo ishte e para kompani me kapital shqiptar në renditjen e VIP-ave të ekonomisë në vend, duke arritur kuotën e 8.2 miliardë lekëve xhiro. Gjatë vitit 2005, “Marketing Distribution” regjistroi 5.7 miliardë lekë xhiro. Ajo nuk e zotëron më ekskluzivitetin e kompanisë gjigande amerikane, « Philip Morris » për Shqipërinë. Ndër shqiptarët e tjerë vijonte kompania e tregtimit të hidrokarbureve, « Taçi Oil ». Ajo, në tre vitet e fundit ka qenë lider në tregun përkatës në vend. Gjatë vitit 2006, kompania ka regjistruar një xhiro prej 6.6 miliardë lekësh. Kjo kompani ndiqej nga afër nga kompania greke, « Global Petroleum » me rreth 3.6 miliardë lekë xhiro të deklaruara. Më pas vijonte « Eurotech Cement », udhëheqës në tregtinë e çimentos, me 3.2 miliardë lekë xhiro, nga rreth 2.3 miliardë lekë në 2005, ndërkohë që konkurrenti më i fortë i tij, « Seament » e ka përfunduar vitin me 2.9 miliardë lekë. Më pas renditeshin gjermanët e « Tirana Airport Partners », që kontrollojnë aeroportin e Rinasit me koncension.
Ata shënuan më 2006 një xhiro prej 3.1 miliardë lekësh, ndërkohë që pasonin në listën e VIP-ave kompania « Primall », me 3 miliardë lekë xhiro në tregtinë e cigareve dhe « Mamidoil Albania », me një biznes prej 2.9 miliardë lekësh në tregtimin e naftës e nënprodukteve të saj.


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Re: Inflation höher

So, 11. Mai 2008, 13:04

Lars hat geschrieben:Inflation hat sich verdoppelt innerhalb eines Jahres. Brot wurde innerhalb eines Jahres um die Hälfte teurer. :cry:

Inflation - Experten verlangen: Es sollte mehr Getreide angebaut werden

Inflacioni-masa, ekspertet: Te kultivohen dritherat

Datë: Apr 24, 2008

Kultivimi i drithërave, që janë produkte me cikël të shkurtër prodhimi, si dhe dhënia me qera e tokës djerrë janë dy masat që ekspertët e ekonomisë i sygjerojnë qeverisë për të zhvilluar sa më shpejt bujqësinë. Sipas tyre, në këtë mënyrë do të rritet niveli I prodhimit tonë bujqësor dhe do të frenohej rritja e mëtejshme e cmimeve. Version multimedial i ketij lajmi

TIRANE- Ekspertët e ekonomisë i sygjerojnë qeverisë që të investojë në kultivimin e produkteve bujqësore me cikël të shkurtër prodhimi, sic janë drithërat. Sipas drejtorit të Programit të Zhvillimit Ekonomik GTZ, Ismail Beka, vetëm në këtë mënyrë do të rritet shpejt prodhimi vendas bujqësor, I cili do të ndikonte në uljen e varësisë së ekonomisë sonë nga mallrat e importit dhe rrjedhimit do të frenonte rritjen e mëtejshme të cmimeve.
Sipas Bekës, një tjetër mënyrë për zhvillimin e shpejtë të bujqësisë konsiderohet edhe dhënia me qera e parcelave të tokës që ka mbetur djerrë, të cilat mund të shfrytëzohen nga individë apo biznese.
Në vendin tonë, pjesa më e madhe e kërkesave për produkte bujqësore plotësohet nga importi. Sipas të dhënave zyrtare, raporti I eksport-importit në bujqësi është 1 me 8. Kjo do të thotë se për çdo produkt bujqësor që ne eksportojmë importojmë 8 të tjerë. Këto shifra tregojnë për nivelin e ulët të prodhimit tonë, si dhe për konkurrueshmërinë e ulët të produkteve tona bujqësore kundrejt atyre të vendeve të tjera.


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Sa, 24. Mai 2008, 13:30

Noch ein paar andere Nachrichten:
Property Giant Opens Albania Office

Four Firms Bid For Albania Refinery

Greek Company to Build Albania Hospital

US: Significant Progress in Western Balkans

Albania Set to Boom?

Albania Heads Black Sea Economic Group
<a href=""><img src="" border="0">

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Sa, 24. Mai 2008, 13:31

Empire Acquires Significant Chromite Exploration Project in Albania

Vancouver, B.C., May 21st, 2008. Empire Mining Corporation (EPC: TSX-V) ("Empire" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an Exclusive Prospecting Permit covering most of the chromite-bearing, Bulqiza ultramafic massif in eastern Albania.

The Bulqiza massif contains over 350 chromite occurrences and deposits including the producing Bulqiza Batra mine (excluded from the Empire permit area) which is widely recognized as one of the largest podiform chromite deposits in the world with past production of about 20 million tonnes grading 35-42% Cr2O3. Bulqiza ores are characterized by exceptionally high grades and generally command premium prices in world markets. Albania was the world's third largest producer of chromite, mainly from Bulqiza, before the collapse of communism in the late 1980's but the local industry has been largely dormant since that time.

Empire's prospecting permit, totaling 134.25 km2, surrounds the Bulqiza Batra mine and covers the most prospective geological terrain within the Bulqiza massif. The permit area contains extensive known chromite mineralization including the projected north and south extensions of the fold structure controlling and hosting the chromite ores in the Bulqiza Batra mine.

Empire has engaged the services of some of Albania's most experienced chromite geologists to carry out its exploration programs at Bulqiza which are scheduled to commence immediately. Initial activities will include compilation and re-interpretation of extensive historic exploration data and conventional prospecting, mapping and sampling to evaluate identified chromite occurrences within the permit area and prioritize targets for drilling later this year.

Chromite is an important component of stainless steel production and recent demand from steel mills in China and elsewhere in the world has boosted its economics dramatically. Supply and demand fundamentals for chromite are currently positive with shortages anticipated for the next ten years.

The Company's Qualified Person, John Prochnau, B.Sc. (Mining Engineering), M.Sc. (Geology), and a Special Advisor to Empire, has reviewed and approved the content of this news release.
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Mi, 04. Jun 2008, 17:56

Schweiz will Albanien im Dezentralisierungsprozess und in der Entwicklung der wirtschaftlich rückständigen lokalen Gegenden in Albanien unterstützen:
<a href=""><img src="" border="0">

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Do, 12. Jun 2008, 11:08

US-Swiss Consortium Buys Albania Refinery

09 June 2008 Tirana _ A consortium headed by US Refinery Associates, and Swiss Anika Enterprises and Mercuria Energy Group Ltd, have won a controlling stake in Albania oil refiner ARMO.

The company will gain a 85 percent controlling stake in ARMO for the price of €125 million.

Albania’s centre-right government is planning a big round of privatization in 2008, which will spell the end of public ownership of the last major assets currently controlled by the state.

The distribution branch of Albania’s power utility, KESH and the state-owned insurer, INSIG will also sold off later this year, according to a plan presented by Prime Minister Sali Berisha in January.

The current wave of privatization is being structured with expert assistance provided by the International Finance Corporation, a branch of the World Bank, and the United States Agency for International Development, USAID.

In 2007, Albania sold a majority stake in its fixed-line telephone company, Albtelekom, to a Turkish consortium led by Calik Enerji, for €120 million. The offer also included a mobile telephone operating licence, which started operations in March, under the Eagle Mobile brand.

The government's sweeping privatization plans follow the introduction of a flat-rate tax system at the exceptionally low rate of 10% at the beginning of the year. Read more at

The Albanian government has announced that the €125 million to be raised from the sale of ARMO, will be used to pay foreign debt and construction work on the Albania-Kosovo highway.

Deputy Minister of Finance Sherfedin Shehu has told reporters that the sale price will be included in this year’s supplementary budget.
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Mi, 02. Jul 2008, 15:45

Berisha, interes për nano-teknologji

Kryeministri Berisha ka sjellë sërish në vëmendje të opinionit publik prodhimin e energjisë atomike. Në këtë mënyrë, kreu i qeverisë shqiptare ka zhvilluar dje një takim me përfaqësuesit e "Alfa Group", të kryesuar nga Howard Ash. Shoqëria e njohur shprehu interes për të investuar në Shqipëri në projekte në fushën e energjisë atomike, bioteknologji dhe në nano teknologji. Kjo e fundit është një teknologji e njohur për prodhimin e pajisjeve të vogla elektronike, fokusuar në fushën atomike. Në këtë kuadër, "Alfa Group" sugjeroi krijimin në Shqipëri të një qendre kërkimore-shkencore në fushën e nano teknologjisë, si dhe ndërtimin e një impianti për prodhimin e produkteve të kësaj teknologjie. Nga ana e tij, Kryeministri Berisha i informoi investitorët se për projektet në fushën nukleare Shqipëria po përgatit kuadrin ligjor që do të pasohet me përfundimin e nënshkrimit të marrëveshjeve dhe me ngritjen e strukturave përkatëse, duke i hapur rrugë energjisë alternative.

Die albanische Regierung bemüht sich, Investoren ins Land zu holen, die im Bereich der Nano-Technologie forschen. Dies sind also Bemühungen, um Albanien auch zu einem Land zu machen, das für die Forschung attraktiv ist.
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Bizarr: Lieber Scheidung als Kündigung der Arbeit

Sa, 05. Jul 2008, 14:29

Albanien: Frauen ziehen Scheidung einer Kündigung vor
Mitarbeiterinnen einer südalbanischen Ölraffinerie wollen sich lieber scheiden lassen, als ihren Job aufzugeben, weil ihr Mann für dasselbe Unternehmen arbeitet. Nachdem sie vergeblich gegen die Entscheidung des Managements protestiert hatten, keine Ehepaare mehr zu beschäftigen, beantragten allein gestern zehn Frauen vor einem Gericht in Fieri die Scheidung.
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