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von Simons Eddy
Sa, 27. Dez 2014, 16:38
Forum: Albanien: Reisen
Thema: Aktuelle Straßenzustandsberichte
Antworten: 1040
Zugriffe: 462983

Re: Parku Kombëtar Qafë Shtamë

Thanks for the information.
von Simons Eddy
Fr, 26. Dez 2014, 19:59
Forum: Albanien: Reisen
Thema: Aktuelle Straßenzustandsberichte
Antworten: 1040
Zugriffe: 462983

Parku Kombëtar Qafë Shtamë

Helo AlbanLovers,
I'me planning my second visit to Albanian for may 2015. Can someone tell me the condition of the road SH37 between Burrel and Qafë Shtamë(Parku Kombëtar). If the road is in good condition, I want to to drive from Krujë to Burrel.
Thanks, Eddy Simons.

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